Temperature Blanket for 2020

I didn't hear about this phenomenon until last year and when I did a search for it on IG, oh my gosh, posts went pretty far back in years. So I am definitely late to this game and hadn't really thought of doing one.  I was innocently working on another Battenberg Blanket and then the thought hit me.....I could do the temp blanket and use the Batternberg pattern. Off to Excel I went to map out the calendar and then length and width I wanted. I changed it quite a few times, even after I had decided on a final version. OK, so I had several "final" versions. :-)

I decided my blanket needed to have the "key" with the blanket. It doesn't have to be exact, but close enough where I could glance at the key and closely remember that lime-green is in the 60-60 deg F range, etc..... I am not trusting my memory to remember colorways and while I tried to pick colors that made sense, I also tried to balance it out.  This will probably be the only one I'll make, but you never know. I mean, it's already going to take a year to do it right? I'm using the posted highs of the day, I'm not including the low temps.

Here is the plan........17 columns wide and 24 squares down.  The finished squares are around 3.75-4 inches. The 1st column will be the color key and the year 2020 (shortened to 20).   The yellow blocks on the plan are the extra ivory squares to separate the months.  The W in the first column is the same ivory square.

I'm showing the key with the yarn as well as the record of the actual high temps through yesterday, Feb 17, 2020.

